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1600 large high tension triple feed machine

1600 large high tension triple feed machine

In March 2015,Jinzhide Machinery decided to design and develop high-tension triple feed machine,for high-tension steel sheet material processing to provide a suitable and efficient domestic automated processing equipment.After more than a year of tireless efforts of mechanical colleagues,NCSF9 series of high-tension triple feed machine has finally developed and successfully put into production.
high tension triple feed machine
NCSF9-1600 high tension triple feed machine is Jinzhide mechanical production of the first material width to 1600mm,the thickness of 9.0mm super models.Jinzhide production of the first NCSF9-1600 high tension triple feed machine has been in the Jinzhide factory for a rigorous performance test,the customer’s performance and processing quality of the equipment are satisfied.
NCSF9-1600 high tension triple feed machine is mainly used for the automotive industry,high tension and ultra-high tension sheet stamping process,the use of automatic loading operation (infrared automatic collision device),ring control system,patented technology Hydraulic pressure into the material device,leveling servo adjustment device,advanced technology,high precision,stable and reliable quality. Compared to traditional robotic arm processing methods,the production efficiency and processing accuracy and low price,will become a thick plate of high-tension processing equipment in the field of choice.

Post time: 07-03-2017